LICENSE ========================= Date: 2006/02/18 You are allowed to copy and distribute the software. You are allowed to modify the software for your own use as long as the license conditions for unmodified use are met. Your are allowed to distribute the modified software provided - you do not change the license - you keep the disclaimer intact (but you can add your own) - the software is clearly marked as modified To use this software for anything except evaluation purposes, you are required to donate 20 Euro to European Digital Rights (EDRi) for every Perl installation that you want to use it for. I heartily encourage you to donate higher amounts if you think the software is worth more or if you think EDRi would be worthy of more support. At the time of writing, their bank account was Name: European Digital Rights Asbl Bank account nr.: 733-0215021-02 IBAN: BE32 7330 2150 2102 BIC: KREDBEBB but please check against Please put "EDRIgram" into the reason field. If and only if you really cannot afford to donate 20 Euro (carefully think about it!) then you can alternatively completely and thoroughly read two of their EDRi-gram newsletters, which can be found at, and you will be allowed to use the software. EDRi is an international non-profit association concerned with defending civil rights in the information society. From "Some examples of regulations and developments that have the attention of European Digital Rights are data retention requirements, spam, telecommunications interception, copyright and fair use restrictions, the cyber-crime treaty, rating, filtering and blocking of internet content and notice-and-takedown procedures of websites." Please visit their website and find out about todays dangers for your digital civil rights.